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Plants @ Cambridge

Read more at: New research shows chronoculture could make food production more sustainable

New research shows chronoculture could make food production more sustainable

3 May 2021

Researchers within the Department of Plant Sciences led by Professor Alex Webb, Head of the Circadian Signal Transduction Group , indicate that circadian clock genes, which enable plants to measure daily and seasonal rhythms, should be targeted in agriculture and crop breeding for higher yields and more sustainable farming...

Read more at: Professor Beverley Glover wins Pilkington Prize for Outstanding Teaching

Professor Beverley Glover wins Pilkington Prize for Outstanding Teaching

26 April 2021

Each year the Pilkington Prizes are awarded to individuals who make a substantial contribution to the teaching programme of a Department, Faculty or the University as a whole, at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Inaugurated in 1994 by Sir Alastair Pilkington, who believed that the quality of teaching was crucial to the...